Ambrose Thibaut. Zalera, Crystal. EST.
Softly caress my trembling cheek.
Yes, gently, just as always.
carrd template by cassiaslair.
First and foremost, I do not roleplay with minors under any circumstances.
I prefer to roleplay on Discord.
I only roleplay M/NB in terms of romance for this character. I am also open to platonic and/or familial relationships between characters.
I prefer for my rp partners to match my energy, be it in how much I write, or simple vibes.
Malachi | 27 | he/him
I am an advanced literate roleplayer. I write at least ~300 words per response.
I have been roleplaying for the past 14-15 years. (I lost count lol)
As for the rp typically found in Final Fantasy XIV, I have yet to dip my toes into it!
I love, love, LOVE angst! Please bring me your angsty writing!!!

name Ambrose Thibaut
age 25
nameday Fifteenth Sun of the First Umbral Moon
guarding deity Menphina
gender Genderfluid
pronouns He/she/they
sexuality Androsexual
height 5'8"
weight 153 lbs
hair color Blond
eye color Heterochromatic
skin tone Alabaster
job Red Mage
place of origin | home | affiliation Dravanian Hinterlands | Ishgard | Scions of the Seventh Dawn
family Rhea Thibaut, Dorian Thibaut
marital status Unwed
d&d alignment Neutral Good
mbti INTP
likes Blueberry Tarts
dislikes Summer Weather
virtues Empathetic, Perceptive, Loyal
flaws Needy, Willfully Naive, Jealous personality Perhaps a trait borne of the Echo, empathy comes easily to the Warrior of Light. From the first moment of true awareness, he found himself moved by others’ emotions. While certainly not a mind reader, Ambrose is easily affected by the feelings of those around him. A trait formed out of pure necessity, from a time when he was far too young to understand.Despite the perception of the Warrior of Light as “soft—” her naivety is, rather, a trained aspect. To accept the negative parts of others, for the sake of the greater good; yet another trait adapted for survival.The truth that lurks under their facade is simple; that Ambrose is loyal to a fault. A lonely child who became an even lonelier adult. A childhood of seclusion left them irrevocably damaged— and they long for companionship above all else. To the point of forgiving those who do not deserve it; to the point of no return.In the end, Ambrose is but a shard of what he could have become; beyond the scope of his willful soul. appearance Ambrose’s facial shape is soft and round, which gives him a gentle, even sweet appearance. Much unlike the personality the viera actually possesses. His eyes are heterochromatic in nature— the right being a vibrant blue, and the left being a chocolate brown. His hair is blond, cut into a wavy hairstyle that ends at the middle of his neck. Part of his bangs are pinned back by a small, ponytail-esque pin.His leporine ears are covered with blond fur, expressive and well groomed.While the viera’s body is toned, she is not overtly muscular. She stands at 5’8”, not counting the ears that represent her viera lineage. Ambrose’s body is pear-shaped, with her hips being slightly wider than her shoulders. While she is relatively small in size and stature, Ambrose is not weak in any regard.Ambrose prefers to dress in stately, prince-like clothing of dark coloration. The name for this type of fashion would be “ouji kei,” or, rather, “prince fashion.” One could state that the fashion he prefers does genuinely fit Ambrose’s personality.
The viera cares a lot about outward appearances, even if he knows it doesn’t matter outside of some circles. His leporine ears are pierced, and he likes to wear equally stately earrings.
A Sanctum of Roses; the gardens of reticence, hidden away within the Dravanian Hinterlands.The legacy of Rhea and Dorian; once deeply in love. A Sharlayan scholar and an Ishgardian runaway. Their fated meeting, their fated love, and their fated child. All was written in the stars— for weal or for woe.The bonds that existed between them brought Rhea to bear a child, befitting of the roses of their little warren. Ambrose.The tender beginnings of their little viera’s life was but a dream. While their mother had always proved distant, studying them as if they were more a test subject than their actual child… Their father was different. Memories of happiness were what they made together; memories bereft of the misery that would soon ruin their hideaway.Even in the beginning, Ambrose recalled things he never should have. Visions of the children that should have been, and the child that was. His mother, whom had studied the occurrence as her child grew, referred to it as the “Echo.” She told her only child that he was blessed. That he was all that she hoped for.Perhaps Ambrose believed her mother, for even the most fleeting of moments— until Dorian grew ill. An undocumented illness; maybe even something as far-fetched as a curse.The little viera could not have been more than nine at the time, but it was their father’s illness that brought their halcyon days of youth to an end. Ever studious, even his mother could not find the cure. Some days, Ambrose wondered— did she know? Did she plan for this, as it seemed she always did?Near the end of their woe, Rhea left for the Sharlayan motherland. Leaving her husband and child behind— she claimed to seek a cure. Ambrose recalled well the glimpses of her memories as she held her child, claiming that she would return one day.What she saw behind Rhea’s eyes told her more than enough. That her mother would never return.Rhea would never return, and Ambrose would have to watch their father die. Slowly, but with certainty.Left to care for a dying man in solace, Ambrose matured, day by day. A studious sort, much like his mother— he never liked being compared to Rhea. He felt as if it was wrong; that, if they knew what he saw through her, they would never insult him like that.Ambrose was only nineteen by the time his father died. Dorian died in his sleep— peacefully, all his child could have ever wanted. In those long, miserable years, his son had hardly left his side.But now that he was gone, returned to the Aetherial Sea…
What was she to do?Rhea left no way to contact her— and she, simply, did not want to. While her true whereabouts were unknown, Ambrose had long since brought his childhood into question. Whether she abandoned them for a better life— whether she truly loved them…The viera did not understand, nor did they know the answer.With no family left in that decayed sanctum, the upstart mage left it all behind— setting out to find his mother, to abandon the Sanctum of Roses; the grave of his parents’ wayward affections.He would not become his mother— even if it meant abandoning Dorian, too. He understood, did he not? That his child could not stay in a world long since lost…And so, with dreams of fallen stars, a name would be written in them henceforth. A journey that truly began in Gridania, in the meager Conjurer’s Guild—
Nocturne Under the Moonlight To meet under the moon’s gracious light— a meeting told in the stars. The pair meet, unaware of who the other may be, before the beginnings of their respective adventures. Do they resound in their Nocturne? Or, perhaps, their song was already written in the annals of time.
You're Not Here After the death of a certain comrade, the Scions that were left behind are grieving. A certain Warrior of Light especially. Will the sun follow the pitch of night once more, or will their days be forever marked in Darkness?
How to Let Go A tale on how to let go of the past. As the nights grow longer, the Warrior of Light grows lost in their thoughts. Who will discover their inner turmoil, and will they be able to overcome it together?
Promises Exchanged at Midnight “Don’t you remember our promise?” A voice you haven’t heard in years beckons to you— returned to remind you of something once-forgotten.
I Want Love With the beginnings of a relationship budding between the Muses, how do they cope with the other’s desire for Love? Will it be as a wild flame, or will it truly bud as a rose?
Cage No matter how much Ambrose may want to bury memories of an all-but-lost childhood, there is no denying that it locked their heart in a cage. To find the key to this cage, and to free himself from its burden, is all the viera could ever wish for.